The Brotherhood of Gourmandiers and Tasteviniers of Château du Fresne
The Brotherhood of Gourmandiers and Tasteviniers stands out for the mission it has set for itself: to defend and promote the wines of Château du Fresne.
It is believed to be unique in its kind for this reason, as other wine brotherhoods are typically concerned with a generic product or a specific appellation. Devotees of fine oenological manners, the members of the Brotherhood of Gourmandiers and Tasteviniers are committed to drinking well without excess.
Upon initiation, the newcomer adopts the motto “drink what pleases them”; thus, they observe, sniff, and taste like a discerning amateur, but never abuse the contents of their glass. If the movement leads them to share their enthusiasm with their fellow diners, they remain serene, even at the height of their poetic exaltation.